Busty Babes 1
Busty Babes - Vol 1.iso
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Instructions for Using CDMENU Shell
1) Determine what letter your CD-ROM drive is [D:, E:, F: etc)
We will use the drive letter G:, when you see this "G:"
substitute this letter for the letter of YOUR drive !!!
Proceed to next instruction, if you have identified your
drive letter--Otherwise, call your dealer for assistance.
2) Create the following directories on your "C:" drive, by
performing the following steps:
* Change to C drive if you are not on that drive "C:",(press enter)
1) Enter the following, "CD \", press the enter key
2) Enter the following, "MD CDMENU", press the enter key
3) Enter the following, "MD GIFVPIC", press the enter key
4) Enter the following, "MD MENUTILS", press the enter key
5) Enter the following, "MD LISTPROG", press the enter key
3) Change to your DOS directory on your "C:" drive by performing
the following step
1) CD \DOS (if the directory is named differently, enter it
in the place of the name "DOS".--Press enter key
Note: If this was done successful, you should see the
prompt ........ C:\DOS>
4) Type the following:
Note: Remember to substitute your CD-ROM drive letter in
the command where we use G:, which may not be YOUR
CD-ROM drive letter.
1) COPY G:\VPIC\*.* C:\GIFVPIC (press enter key)
2) COPY G:\LISTPROG\*.* C:\LISTPROG (press enter key)
3) COPY G:\CDMENU.* C:\CDMENU (press enter key)
4) COPY G:\UTILITY\*.* C:\MENUTILS (press enter key)
5) Change to your VPIC directory, by entering:
a) CD \GIFVPIC (press enter key)
b) Enter the command, "WHICHVGA" (press the enter key)
c) You will be shown alot of technical information. Look
at the 3rd line from the bottom that says something like
"This display board .....etc.....
Note: At the end of that sentence, you will be told WHAT
type of display video chip you have--Write this DOWN
on paper, as well as the amount of memory your video
board has been tested for--Example 256K, 512K, or 1MB.
This will help both us later if we should experience any
d) Type the command, "CONFIG" (no quotes), and highlight the
video driver that MATCHES the type of video driver
you just wrote down on your paper--Look at the choices
carefully--Press enter key when you have made your selection.
The program will save the choice, and put you back at the
6) Change to the directory named CDMENU--This is done by typing:
1) CD \CDMENU (press the enter key)
You should see..... C:\CDMENU>
7) Type the program name "CDMENU" (NO quotes) Press the enter key
8) Down at the bottom you will see a list of commands--
a) Choose (S) for setup
b) You will see five areas that need configured. If you have the
disc called, "Ecstasy", you will need to configure all 5 areas.
If you do not have this disc, you only need to configure the
the first 3 areas, and ignore the last two (Even though they
have a default configuration, the program will ignore these).
c) The first area says, "CD rom Drive letter :"
Type in YOUR CD-ROM drive letter, with the LETTER and a colon
An example would be G:.......press the enter key to continue
to the next area.
d) The second area says, "GIF/PCX File Viewer:"
Type the following, and overwrite the existing defaults or
erase the entire line with the BACKSPACE key, and enter in
the new commands exactly as you see it below:
C:\GIFVPIC\VPIC.EXE /A (press the enter key)
Note: Once you register VPIC, the shareware notice can be
supressed so that you have un-interupted viewing.
e) The third area says, "Text File Viewer:"
Type the following, and overwrite the existing deafults or
erase the entire line with the BACKSPACE key, and enter in
the new commands exactly as you see it below:
C:\LISTPROG\LIST.COM (press the enter key)
f) If you have the "ECSTASY" disc, you must continue with the
configuration for FLI and GL installations--OTHERWISE jump to
instruction 9, and bypass all the instructions between 8g
and 9.
g) Since you do have the "ECSTASY" disc, we must continue in the
(S) setup option--
The fourth area says, "FLI File Viewer:"
Type the following, and overwrite the existing deafults or
erase the entire line with the BACKSPACE key, and enter in
the new commands exactly as you see it below:
C:\MENUTILS\AAPLAY.EXE (press enter key)
h) The fifth area says, "GL File Viewer:"
Type the following, and overwrite the existing deafults or
erase the entire line with the BACKSPACE key, and enter in
the new commands exactly as you see it below:
C:\MENUTILS\GRASPRT.EXE (press enter key)
9) Press the ESCAPE key now, to begin enjoying the disc because you
ARE INSTALLED 100%--NEVER EVER go back into this setup area
unless your drive letter for your CD-ROM changes because of
hardware upgrades etc.....
Note: DO not execute any of the filenames in WHITE--The
directories are all in GREEN--Highlight an area
and press the enter key--All pictures end in a
.GIF extension, animations end in .GL or .FLI, and
the stories end in .TXT--
We have also taken all the stories and animations and
compressed them into .ZIP files for sysops use--DO
NOT try to execute the .ZIP files using the menu.
Choose those directories that say VIEW_XXX, VIEW_GL
etc...these are non-compressed so that the menu can
execute the file for you.
1) You can exit the menu at anytime by pressing the ESC key from
your keyboard.
2) To run this menu ALWAYS change to your CDMENU directory on your
"C" drive (CD \CDMENU), and execute the program CDMENU from there.
Example: C:\CDMENU\CDMENU (press enter key)
This is the advanced VPIC, and the base registration price is $25 for a
single user or $125 for a 10 computer site license. You may upgrade from
previous programs for the difference in registration price. For a single
user you may upgrade from VGIF for $15, or from VPIC prior to ver 6.0 for
$10. If you want me to send you the latest version (and about 1M of good
GIF pictures), please add the shipping and handling fee of $5 inside the
USA and Canada, and $10 foreign. If you want additional disks of GIF
pictures with your order, please add $5/disk (2 maximum). If you want a
printed manual with your order, please add $3.00 (manual included with 1st
order of ver 6.0 or upgrade from previous VPIC). To register and order ver
6.x is $30 inside USA or Canada, and $35 foreign, which includes shipping
and handling and a printed manual.
( ) VPIC Registration ($25) ....................................______
( ) Upgrade from VPIC prior to ver 6.0 ($10) ...................______
( ) Upgrade from VGIF ($15) ....................................______
( ) Order Printed Manual ($3) ..................................______
Shipping and handling: for registered users or upgrades only:
( ) Get latest version ($5 USA and Canada, $10 foreign) ....______
( ) Extra Disk of GIF's ($5/disk, 2 max) ...................______
( ) Other: ______
Total: ______
For my records, please try to answer the following questions:
* Display Card: Manufacturer/Model_______________________________
VGA Chip _________________________________
Config File Used _________________________________
I got VPIC from _________________________________
* Highest resolution I can view in 16 colors is _________________
(ie, 640x480, 800x600) and in 256 colors is _________________
* I primarily use VPIC for: ( ) General file viewing ( ) Slideshows
( ) File conversions ( ) Adding graphics viewing to other programs
* Disk size desired ____ 5.25" 1.2M ____ 3.5" 1.44M
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: _________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________
Comments: _________________________________________________________
Please send the completed form along with payment by cash, check, or
money order (no PO's please) to:
Bob Montgomery
543 Via Fontana #203
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-3172
PS: For foreign orders, please send a check drawn on a US Bank, US
Postal or International Money Order, Travelers Checks, or cash,
since the banks charge up to $60 collection fee for foreign
checks, and $8 minimum for wire cash transfers.
The Buerg Utilities
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Buerg Utilities are free for personal use. Corporations and
institutions must obtain a license for their use. These are not
commercial programs. They are user-supported programs. And, they are a
copyrighted work and may be distributed only pursuant to this license.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and disseminate the Buerg
Utilities so long as:
(1) No remuneration of any kind is received in exchange; and
(2) Distribution is without ANY modification to the contents
of all accompanying documentation and/or support files,
including the copyright notice and this license.
No copy of the Buerg Utilities may be distributed without including a copy
of this license. Any other use is prohibited without express, written
permission in advance from:
Vernon D. Buerg
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA 94952
Compuserve: 70007,1212
Data/BBS: (707) 778-8944,
-or- (707) 778-8841, 24-hour bulletin board systems
The registered version of LIST Plus is $30. You receive a disk with the
latest version, notification of updates, and a printed manual.
The commercial (retail) version of LIST Enhanced is $69 plus shipping and
may not be copied or distributed.
Copies of the "Buerg Utilities" disk set for personal use may be obtained
on 5.25"/1.2m or 3.5" 1.44mb diskettes by sending $60 plus shipping to:
Buerg Software
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA 94952
or, you may order by phone using a credit card by calling (707) 778-1811
between 10 am and 5 pm Pacific time.
Please send me the following:
____ LIST Plus, Version 7, registration .................. x $30 ea. _______
(disk, manual, notification of major updates)
____ LIST Enhanced, Version 1.8, commercial package ...... x $72 ea. _______
(dual media, 160-page manual in slipcase,
quick reference card)
____ Complete Buerg Utilities ............................ x $60 ea. _______
(includes registered LIST Plus)
(1.2 mb or 1.44 mb disk only) Shipping $3.00
California sales tax, 7.50% _______
Total _______
Choose one: ____ 5.25", 360K ____ 3.5" disk, 720K
____ 5.25", 1.2M ____ 3.5" disk, 1.44M
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State ________ Zip ___________
( ) Check or Money Order payable to Buerg Software in U.S. funds.
( ) VISA ( ) Master Card
Card Number ______________________________________________Exp date ________
Signature _________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------[fold back here]-------------------------------
| place |
| stamp |
| here |
Vernon D. Buerg
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA
The Buerg Utilities Page 1
Copyright (c) Vernon D. Buerg 1991
Program Vers. Date Description
------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------
DELDUPE 2.3 3-01-89 Delete duplicate file between subdirectories
DRLIST J 9-17-89 Special version of LIST for use with CTTY/ANSI
FBR 1.80 7-09-91 File backup/restore utilities.
Alternative to BACKUP and RESTORE commands
LDIR 4.4 3-25-91 Display directories in selected file order.
Alternative to the DIR command
LIST 7.6a 8-13-91 Full screen viewing of files, see LIST.DOC
Alternative to the TYPE and MORE commands.
LISTOPT 1.11 5-12-91 LIST customization program for registered users.
QDR 4.0c 7-11-91 Quick Diskette Reformatter deletes all files.
Clean off a disk for re-use.
SORTF 2.35 2-15-90 Fast file sorter handles large files.
Alternative to the SORT filter.
SQPC 1.31 3-02-86 Fast file squeezer. Creates a compressed copy
of a file to save disk space.
SWAPNAME 1.2 2-20-86 Switch names of two files, like CONFIG.xxx
TABS 2.1 10-14-86 Replace spaces with TABs and vice versa, in
ASCII text files.
Archiving utilities:
ARCA 1.29 12-09-87 Create or add files to an ARC archive file
ARCE 4.0g 4-13-91 Extract files from an ARC archive file
ARCF 1.08 10-19-90 Find text strings inside ARC files
ARCV 1.22 4-13-91 Display a list of files in an ARC archive
DUH 1.5 5-02-89 Delete files that already exist in archive files
FV 1.37 5-07-91 Display directories of archive files including
ARC, PAK, ZIP, LZH and self extracting files
LARC 2.6 5-23-90 Create the Littlest ARChive file, w/BAS
LU-UTILS 1.x Various LBR library file utilities
QBARCV 1.10 Quick Basic subroutine to display ARC directory
XONE 2.30 10-13-87 Make an ARC file from one or more ARC files
ZIPV 1.08 4-19-89 Display ZIP file directories, w/ASM
BASIC programming aids:
CCIT 1.0 9-22-86 QB subroutine to calculate CCIT CRC for XMODEM
includes assembler source
FC 1.2 8-18-85 Produce .MRG file of differences for BASIC files
QBX 4.00g 10-09-88 Quick Basic program lister, label/symbol
cross referencer
RB 1.58 8-20-85 Convert token BASIC file to ASCII file
SQUISH 3.3 8-20-85 Compress and unnumber BASIC source programs
Communications utilities:
ATO63A 6.8a 8-10-90 Automates access to CompuServe forums
ATODOC 6.8a 8-10-90 Documentation for AUTOSIG
CISMSG 2.7 12-21-88 Sort a file of captured CIS messages
The Buerg Utilities Page 1
Copyright (c) Vernon D. Buerg 1991
Program Vers. Date Description
------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------
PC Board utilities:
BBSEXTRA 1.4 3-21-90 Determine missing and extra DIR files
DIRAGE 2.6 1-15-90 Determine age of files for purging
DIRSRT 1.1 9-19-88 Sort a PCBoard DIRectory file
P2PDLTXT 1.1 8-09-88 Create DOWNLOAD.TXT file from PCB CALLERS file
PCBCS 1.37 5-19-91 Analyzes and reports usage from PCB CALLERS file
SORTDL 1.1 8-09-88 Sort PCB DOWNLOAD.TXT files
Printer utilities:
LJBOOK 3.5 4-25-91 Print text file on HP LaserJet in booklet form
LP-HP 1.8 11-23-88 Print files to HP LaserJet with headings, etc
E2O 1.0 5-14-86 Convert Epson print files to Oki files, w/ASM
LP-OKI 1.6 8-16-85 Print files on Okidata ML92, includes ASM
OKI 1.2 7-11-84 Okidata ML92 printer setup, includes ASM
Amateur Radio:
SSLOG 1.1 11-19-87 Edit, dupe, score and print ARRL Sweepstakes
logs, includes BASIC source
CQWW 1.06 11-19-87 Edit, dupe, score and print CQ WW DX logs,
includes BASIC source
ORBIT13A 1.3a 3/24/90 Oscar 13 orbit predictor program, w/BAS
AUTODATE 1.1 4-28-84 Simplifies setting date/time without clock, w/ASM
COLORS 1.0 6-24-85 Experimental program to change DOS colors, w/ASM
JLH 1.07 8-01-86 JET's Little Helper (for Tall Tree's JET utility)
LIST569C 5.69c 1-24-87 Old version of LIST is smaller and simpler
LISTOS2 6.2a 4-23-88 Special version 6.2a of LIST for use with OS/2
LISTOSII 7.5i 6-02-91 Special version of LIST Plus v7.5 for OS/2 by
request only